One thing that can be said about the JW's, is that they are always kept busy. If you aren't working, going to meetings or going out in service you are taking care of other necessary matters. Its absolutely unbelievable how much of your life is taken up by being a JW. So what am I using that time for now?
Mostly, I'd say I'm using it to relax. I work M-F and have the weekends free. Its refreshing to actually have the weekend off. Usually I'll stay out late on Friday nights, hanging out with people. That used to be a no-no, if I wanted to get up bright and early to knock on empty houses on Saturday mornings. Instead, I sleep in now and find some nice activities to engage in during the day. If I'm feeling up to it, I may even go out for a night on the town! What about Sunday mornings? I might take that opportunity to sleep in as well and get much needed rest to be ready for the week. Heck, I might not do anything on Sunday. That's the way I like it. Nice and relaxing.
It used to be that I wouldn't find any comfort in knowing the weekend was here. Meetings and field service are pretty much work. It was like working seven days a week. That's not good for anybody. I find my life doesn't have nearly as much stress as it used to. I no longer have to plan things around meetings. My time is my own. It's unbelievable how satisfying that is.
I know this is kind of a pointless, uninteresting post. I just love being in charge of my life!
No! Not pointless. We have a subconsciousness and sometimes it can take control. Talking helps. There are professionals who are trained to help people out of controlling situations. Be wise to seek help if you are worried. Remember that they who left you emotionally are too busy to worry about you. If you begin to feel like you abandoned anyone or anything, remember that they believing like they do, abandoned YOU. They don't love God, they love the HOPE. For some interesting Bible discussion I suggest Bible Discussion Forum. I don't post there anymore because they won't let me. If you begin to worry that you might have left something good behind, check out the forum. AND DON'T BE LED ASTRAY AGAIN. My philosophy? When in doubt, don't. My family never was dedicated, so my life is about the same as before when I was an active JW, but I have lots more time, and like you, I like it! I don't think I am disfellowshipped, but I plan to read the book by former Governing Body member Franz called A Crisis of Conscious. I hear persons of the Society reading his book get disfellowshipped.