If there's one thing I've learned about JW teachings, it's that there are so many inconsistencies it's not even funny. All you have to do is look at their constant flip-flops on their teachings. If it really were God's organization, wouldn't he do a better job of giving his people the correct information and not change important doctrines.
If you don't know the background of JW teachings, this could all be a little bit confusing. I'll try to do my best to explain some of these but they can certainly be confusing. The JW's teach that these doctrine changes are fulfillment of a verse in Proverbs that says " the path of the righteous ones is like the bright light that is getting lighter and lighter until the day is firmly established." They claim that more and more would be revealed as time would go on. Notice more would be revealed, not things would completely change. Let me show you some of these utter failures that they attribute to God revealing Bible knowledge to this group.
Let's start with some medical teachings. We're going to go way back on some of these quotes. First up we have the JW views of organ transplants. The original opinion of organ transplants from the Awake magazine of December 22nd, 1949 is that these procedures are "wonders of modern surgery." Notice how they change their tune less than 20 years later. The Watchtower of November 15th 1967 pp. 702-704 states that transplants are against divine principles and are cannibalistic. In other words, they used to be okay with them but now they are bad. Think of all the parents who allowed their children to die due to not getting needed organ transplants because of this misguided belief. Then notice the shocking turn around in just 13 years. The Watchtower of Mar. 15th 1980 p. 31 states “there is no Biblical command forbidding the taking in of another human tissue. It is a matter for personal decision”.
Unbelievable! Think back again to those people who lost loved ones to that awful doctrine towards organ transplants. How do you think those ones feel knowing their loved ones died for absolutely no reason. This is an organization that has doctrines that physically hurt their members for no reason other then to keep control of them. Is that despicable or what?
This goes along the same lines of blood transfusions. One well known thing about JW's is that they do not accept blood transfusions. They view blood as something sacred and should not be "eaten". They consider having blood pumped into you is considering eating. The original opinion of blood transfusion was one where they marveled at what several blood transfusions were able to accomplish. Then they changed their view to no blood transfusions allowed. Then they changed to where you can accept blood fractions but not whole blood. Make up your minds already! Many JW's have died from observing this command from the JW's.
This also extended to vaccinations. They took a rather embarrassing stance on them as noted the February 1931 issue of Golden Age on p.293. "Vaccination is a direct violation of the everlasting covenant that God made with Noah after the flood." Years before that the October Golden Age of 1921 p. 17 said, "Vaccination never prevented anything and never will, and is the most barbarous practice...We are in the last days; and the devil is slowly losing his hold, making a strenuous effort meanwhile to do all the damage he can, and to his credit can such evils be placed...Use your rights as American citizens to forever abolish the devilish practice of vaccinations." What an embarrassing belief. Many JW children were unable to attend schools due to refusing vaccinations. All to avoid lawsuits they changed their stance in the Dec. 15 Watchtower of 1952 where it says, "The matter of vaccination is one for the individual that has to face it to decide for himself... And our Society cannot afford to be drawn into the affair legally or take the responsibility for the way the case turns out." Then they proceed to flat out lie in the August 8th Awake of 1993 which says, "Previous articles in this journal and its companion, The Watchtower, have presented a consistent position: It would be up to the Bible-trained conscience of the individual Christian as to whether he would accept [vaccinations] for himself and his family." Compare the articles in the Golden Age and Awake and tell me they have always maintained the same position.
I'll detail a little more about this subject in another post.
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